Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Wine Art

How Fun!!! 
I had a great time painting wine bottles and then adding
my own wine labels to the watercolor bottles.

It's super easy to get the labels off of the bottles...  just put your empty wine bottle in a pre-heated 350 degree oven for 10 minutes and the labels peel right off!

I'm thinking this may be a great way to remember our trip to Sonoma!

Wanted * Dead Or Alive *

Sydney Brought Her Little Brother to Class

Umbrella Art

Elementary School Auction

My friend Brandy put an art auction item together along with gift certificates to Artfully Me and donated art from one of my kiddo classes.

Adult Watercolor Class with Vineet

We finished up one painting and did another! 

We painted with watercolor...  isn't Vineet's art is beautiful!

Austin & Mitch - Robots