Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Craft Fair Girlfriends

I have had a lot of fun doing the craft fairs with my girlfriends!
Here we are at the last fair of the season!

...taken on our phone, of course!

Snowman Cupcakes

We drew our picture, traced the drawing with oil pastel and then painted with
liquid watercolor.

Christmas Carols on Wednesday

Here's a mixed media art project I saw on Pinterest! 
I collect antique sheet music for art projects!  I thought it would be fun to share it with the girls today!
Didn't they do a great job!

Fall Trees with Brett and Luke

Sometimes you just have to climb up on a chair!

Creative Kids - 3 Layer Cake

Creative Kids - Space

We explored SPACE in the Creative Kids class!
we painted on canvas board with acrylic paints

We went to see the Van Gogh exhibit over fall break!

Tween Class - Owls

Sylvia joined me for an acrylic owl class!
Sylvia did a great job!

I added book page pieces to my owls!  ...and the next day I added fabric! 



I've been asked to teach a doodle class!
Here are some of my recent book page doodles!

Painting for Aunt Janice

Aunt Janice has been wanting me to paint something for her!!!
She loved it!